Brian is back into wearing Spiderman non-stop again. He slept in it last night, he ate in it. He will put the costume under his clothes, then run around pulling up his shirt saying “Mommy, guess who I am”? I say, “you are Brian” and he yells ”No, I’m Spiderman!” This can go backwards, and he might be in his full Spiderman garb, and say to me.. ”Guess who I am?” and I’ll say, “You are Spiderman” and he’ll yank off the mask, and then say, “No…I’m Brian!!!!” He takes great delight in doing this over and over. He lost his old Spiderman mask to the black trash bag last week, but he still has his new one. I believe he is beginning to wear this one out as well; I may need to buy yet another Spiderman Costume.
It’s nice and sunny out today, but we got roughly 2 inches of snow dropped on us yesterday, so I’m hoping we can play in it some this weekend.
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