Not much to say tonight, except I stumbled on a blog called "Kayleigh's Story". I'm in tears reading it. This beautiful little girl died yesterday.
I'm not sure why I clicked today and not before, but I did. I was reading her story, and my heart is screaming out in pain for her parents. Kayleigh was born too soon, from the same exact thing that caused me to have two preemies. Severe pre-eclampsia. She was born with IGUR, which both my kids had as well.
But for the grace of god, I still have my precious children and they are healthy, strong and came through their ordeal with no complications to show for it.
I know I'll never be the same. Having a preemie changes who you are inside. There is no going back again. You can recover, you can try not to remember, but when you read something about a preemie, it shoots you right back into the NICU again. It's a secret club of survivors that I really wish I didn't belong to. That being said, I'm one of the lucky ones.
Say a prayer for little Kayleigh and her family tonight. They need all the thoughts and good wishes they can get. Godspeed Kayleigh, from all the moms of preemies everywhere.
