I've been totally out of the blogging loop for the last month. I just haven't had much time or inclination. I've been gone long enough, that my blogging template has changed.
Leslie's 3'rd birthday was Sunday. I can't believe she is 3. We got her a "Jammin Barbie Jeep" to drive around the yard. She was in heaven and loves it. When I say "we" I mean from Mommy and Daddy, Grandma and Aunt Claudia and Uncle Pat. I used all the money from everyone to chip in on this one big gift. She loved riding in Brian's so much, I thought she would love her own, and I was right. Here is a picture of her driving it.
We just spent the day letting her learn how to drive it, then our friends came over and we BBQ'ed chicken and had cake. Leslie had a bunch of "pink" presents that she got to open. I got her a princess outfit, her Aunt Rhoda got her a new bathing suit, a rash guard, and Dora Game for her Leapster, Daddy got her a Dora doll, and Brian got her some Dora DVD's. Aunt Rhoda also got Brian a new Spiderman Game for his Leapster, and I got him a DVD of "Speed Racer".
We just had a great day, and Little Miss Leslie was a very happy camper. We all had lots of outdoor time, and the weather gave us a break.
My friend Julaine and I have our garden in, but sorry to say, the weather is not cooperating. The plants are hanging on, but we badly need some sun to make it grow. I also planted a bunch of pots of flowers on the deck, which are really pretty, and I did one container tomato plant, in addition to the 6 down in the a garden. I just keep telling myself this weather can't stay like this all summer. At least our herb garden and lavender plants are doing really well.
It actually snowed today. It snowed yesterday. It's been cold cold. I sent the kids to pre-school in snow suits today, pure craziness. Hopefully the temps don't go below freezing or we are going to have to start all over.
I've spent the entire night tonight watching a "Jon and Kate plus 8" marathon. I'm in awe. As I sit here in my house, which needs to cleaned pretty badly. How on earth can they do it? 6 3-year olds?? I know my one 3 year old keeps me running, and running hard. She is an amazing woman. A little anal, but with that many kids, I think you'd have to be. I can't say anything except that I'm just plain jealous.
I took Brian to Kindergarten roundup last week, and he passed everything with flying colors. He was tested for speech readiness, basic readiness and vision. He came up a little weak in one eye with his vision, but other than that, he did great. I was relieved to find out they have a great before/after care program at the school. It's only $7.00 per day, and I can drop him off anytime after 7AM and pick him up anytime before 6:00PM. This is a huge relief, as I've been worrying about care for him after school next year. Our school did move to all day kindergarten, which I'm happy about since he's been in all day preschool since he was three.
Brian also finished up his first season of soccer with the Bombers. He did great. We did it through the Y, and I loved the coach. He was so good with the kids, very encouraging.
Glad Leslie had a nice bday. I'm always amazed at Jon and Kate as well. Doug says she's a well not so nice person, but geez I'd be that way with 8 kids too, its amazing how they handle it all!
Posted by: Laura R | June 16, 2008 at 09:01 AM