So, I've been sitting here thinking tonight, that I think we are about to leave baby-ville behind forever. I'm not sure how I feel about this, at all. I mean, I love my kids, but I'm never having another one, so there is no need to keep the stuff. But....but...I'm not ready to let it go.
I have a few things I've been hanging onto tight, not yet ready to let them go. It's not that I even want another baby, but I've been in constant babyland for over 5 years now. I'm used to babies. I'm used to packing things around all the time. The idea of going someplace without carrying 80 gazillion things "just in case" is appealing and frightening all at the same time.
1st on the list.
My highchair. I'm saying mine, because Leslie is ready for the table, and I'm not. I love this stupid ugly green and white highchair. It was given to me by a neighbor when Brian was a baby, and both my kids have used it. It sits in my dining room, an ugly behemoth staring at me. Rick threatens to get rid of it on a daily basis, and I'm just not ready.
My double stroller. I have the jolly green giant of strollers. My beloved Phil and Ted's E3. It really is beautiful. It's lime green and I can spot it in crowds. It pushes like a dream, and cost me my kids inheritance. But, it was worth it. When we bought our 1st double stroller, we bought a Graco Duo-glider, which I suppose did do what it is supposed to do. But the thing weighed about a ton, and took up the entire back end of my Tahoe. The only time it was an acceptable ride was in the mall with smooth floors, any bump and it freaked out. It did carry Leslie's infant seat along with Brian but I hated it. I knew I wanted a nice stroller, and I finally got it. It took me months of talking to Rick before he gave in and said OK. He had originally thought we didn't need it, but after one push of the E3, he changed his mind.
When we did the March of Dimes Preemie walk, he grabbed the kids from me and ran off with that stroller like a bat out of hell. Dad's kept asking him where he got the "cool" stroller. I swear you would have thought it was his idea, and I just let him think that. So there you go, I'm having an especially rough time giving this up. I haven't used it in months, save using it for a wheelbarrow at Brian's soccer games, to haul chairs and stuff to the field, and just on the off chance I would need to bolt Little Miss down so she wouldn't run, but honestly, I know we don't really need it anymore. What's a girl to do?
My Ergo Carrier. I packed Leslie all around Seattle in this thing last year, and I love it. Unfortunately, she doesn't love it and screams at me constantly when I try to use it. I'll tell you, nothing is more fun than an angry toddler screaming "mommy let me down" and hitting your back while trying to walk and keep up with your 5 year old.
My grocery cart cover. I haven't used it in ages, but as the mom of 2 preemies, you can bet your britches that I did use it constantly for years. I'm just not as freaked out about the kidlets getting sick anymore.
My Lands End backpack, diaper bag. I still use this thing, after 5 years, it still looks very new. I just don't use it as a diaper bag anymore. So there you go, things I need to get rid of at some point.
Most of the baby paraphernalia I've been able to let go of, but these few things are really giving me a hard time. Maybe when I have my grandkids I'll be able to finally let go, after all my E3 might just make a nice wheelbarrow.
Ok, then I don't feel like such a freak. I just love my stroller too much to get rid of it. And it stands to reason, if you need a walk away stroller for 1 child, then I definately need one for 2 kids..:)
Posted by: Monica | May 07, 2008 at 12:32 PM
I have saved my jogging stroller for
"escape from earthquake carry child and water walk as far as i have to" carry-all.
you never know when you will need a good jogging stroller!
Posted by: Cyn | May 06, 2008 at 10:28 PM