Well, I have spent the morning in Blogger Hell, but think I have finally gotten it all fixed. I messed some sort of HTML code up in my blog at Blogger.com, and couldn't get it fixed. So I decided to look at "Wordpress" and figured out I could import my entire blog and not lose anything, so now we officially have a new location.
Leslie has been talking so much this week. Her new thing is saying, "Actually Mommy, I want blah blah". She has used the word "actually" about a million times today.
Brian has been busily building a fort out of kitchen chairs and blankets. When I picked him up from school on Friday, his teacher went on and on about how polite he is, how caring he is, how kind he is to the other kids, and also how smart he is...it was enough to make a mamma beam with pride. Seriously, I know he's a good kid, but when someone brags on him like Miss Katie did, it was all I could do not to wiggle with delight!
Leslie got herself dressed today for the very first time by her self. I was so excited about it that we did a happy dance. She did get her Dora shirt on backwards, but who cares...she got it on by herself!
Brian is officially signed up for soccer now. He is completely excited, and very ready to learn how to play. I am finding I'm really enjoying the fact that the kids are getting older and we are able to do better activities with them.
I've started planning for his birthday party, and what else could I do it in but Spiderman???
And my happy happy news...Rick finally agreed to let me get a new Mac Book with our tax refund money, so I've been busily emptying this computer of all its contents, and storing them on my new little gadget, an external hard drive. If you don't have one of these, you need one.
Thanks Monkeynutts...I knew you would understand the wiggle..:)
Posted by: Monnie | March 10, 2008 at 12:40 PM
Hi there and welcome to your new space. In honor of this, I'm "Tagging" you! I hope you don't mind, but here goes: I’ve tagged you to answer these questions on your blog. Enquiring minds want to know! Please tell us about you:
Four jobs that I have had
Four movies that I’ve watched over and over again
Four places I have lived
Four TV shows that I currently watch
Four places I have been
Four people who email me
Four favorite things to eat
Four places I would rather be
Four things I look forward to this year
After you're done, please tag somone else whose blog you like. I look forward to reading your responses!
Posted by: Melissa | March 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM
"Actually", I liked this post a lot. HA! And I "actually" think you're entitled to a proud wiggle when your kid is "actually" so much better than the other "actual" kids. HA!
This annual loss of an hour's sleep makes me loopy for a few days. Bear with me.
Posted by: Monkeynuts | March 10, 2008 at 11:17 AM