We had a pretty good day today. The kids had fun playing, but it’s still too cold to be outside for long. I’m going to try to get them out for awhile tomorrow and let them play in the snow for a bit.
I took a few pictures of the kids tonight, but couldn’t get the one I really wanted to get, I’ll try again tomorrow. My Aunt Trish sent Leslie a really pretty Ragady Anne Doll for Christmas. Now, Leslie has pretty systematically ignored all dolls that she has had. I’ve bought her a variety of dolls, which she completly ignores, and then Brian will take them to bed because he feels sorry for them, anyway, This doll that Aunt Trish sent Leslie, is now her “baby”, it’s the only doll she cares anything about, and I did want to keep it nice, but I’m not sure that is going to happen since she seems to be dragging it around with her all the time, and I don’t have the heart to stop her. So Aunt Trish, gift well chosen, and hopefully I’ll be able to get a picture of her and her “baby” up here soon. This aside, my little curly haired blond angel is every bit the tom-boy that her mommy is....
This picture of Brian is his version of a "football" uniform. He has on his helmet, his knee and elbow pads, and his "boot", even though we tried to explain to him that football players don't wear boots.
I'm not sure why this picture of my baby girl just melts my heart, but it does. The bruise on her forehead is the remenants of her smacking her head on a door knob courtesy of her brother.
Here she is giving me her big cheesy grin!
This picture of Brian is pretty funny, if you know the back story. He is totally into Spider man. This is his second Spiderman costume, (he wore the first one out), but now he is insisting that he is only “Spiderman” if he has real clothes over his costume because that is what “Spiderman” does.
Well, over and out for tonight...
Your kids are a crack up! I remember being a Spider-Man fanatic too. Isn't funny how some things endure and make comebacks? Now get him into Cher! HA!
Posted by: Solo | February 22, 2008 at 12:11 PM